
😍火の描き方: ステップバイステップガイド😍

皆さん、こんにちは, ここでまた会えてとてもうれしいです, そしてあなたが学びにここに来てくれて嬉しいです 火の描き方”.

Fire is being used from the dawn of the civilisation and we know this, by seeing different illustrations of flames and fire that are craved in the walls of caves. それで, this is not something new to the mankind and but it always amazes us from time to time.

Draw fire for Kids

Kids would love this drawing as it is very simple and quite serene and it carves the path for imagination and opens the possibilities for sensing more similar drawing, which a kid or student would then try to make it by themselves.

Every kid is fascinated by the camp fire, so in this tutorial we will sketch the fire upon the logs which makes the perfect campfire and jolts the energy in the kids.

How to draw fire step by step

If you are a lover of the art then, you are gonna love this one, because it is a simple and serene drawing which you can make easily and it gives a great look.

それで, without wasting any more time, let’s look at all the steps by which you can make the fire easily.

ステップ 1- Start simply by drawing a rectangle

ステップ 2- Inside the rectangkes, strokes some lines from edges to the middle and you can also make few enclosed triangle in the middle. remember to use the lines by free hand.

ステップ 3- Erase the box of rectangle

ステップ 4- Join the lines with the circle or curvy lines to make an oval shape in the end of the lines.

ステップ 5 Now draw a half circle in the middle of the drawing, and some spirals in the circle of the stick.

ステップ 6- 今, erase any lines that extends the circle

ステップ 7- Join the two end of the circle like, a flame

ステップ 8- Now extend few more flames in the middle of the flames with lousy and free hands

ステップ 9- Add more such flames in the middle of the fire, so that it looks glazing.

ステップ 10- Draw sparks on the top pointing both in the bottom and up,

ステップ 11- Erase extra lines from your glazing flames.

ステップ 12- Draw two more flames just like the drawing mentioned below.

ステップ 13- Draw one more set of log just in between the logs and flames.


ステップ 14- Now erase the lines, that overlaps the logs.

ステップ 15- Now it’s time to give your logs some barks, so add some curvy lines, spirals or triangles, to the log.

ステップ 16- It’s time to provide base to our campfire. それで, simply add horizontal lines across fire and draw some small lines parallel to horizontal line.

ステップ 17- Now it’s time to add colour to your imagination. Do it as you like it. Generally the logs get the brown texture and the flames ranges from orange to yellow to red and blue.

Sketch of Fire

Not only this, here’s the video of step by step making of the fire. Find it and know more about the art of drawing the fire by yourselves.

I hope you liked this part, and if so, then kindly share this link and help us bring you more.

Also, see our other tutorial which may fascinate you- How to Draw Doraemon : ステップバイステップガイド , 絵文字の描き方 : ステップバイステップガイド



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