Draw a Ninja: Ninjas are the person that have skills of fighting and working with various equipment as like in warfare. They are the persons from japan.these have different clothing tradition ninjas use various different techniques in the fight which are normally known as ninja techniques. they are also known shinobi which are specially trained ninjas as spy.
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How to Draw a Ninja
The steps involved in this are not very complex and you can easily learn it by following the steps which I have mentioned below. Our motto should be to become creative and produce it in our art. Without any delay, lets begin our tutorial.
Draw a Ninja Step by Step
خطوة 1:-
Firstly we has to draw a circle for the face of a ninja .on which we will draw eyes later on.
خطوة 2:-Then after the face we has to draw the body of a ninja which we can make by drawing a square . on which we has to draw hands and legs.
خطوة 3:-After the rough drawing of its body we must add hands and legs of ninja .it can be of capsule type or a rectangular .we can draw it according to our choice and make our ninja attractive.
خطوة 4:-Now we can rub the over lapping lines on the figure and make a perfect outline fore the ninja. we can redraw it if we don’t like the shape of the ninja drawing.
خطوة 5:-Finally we have to draw eyes on the face of ninja and enclose it in a horizontal capsule type design.
خطوة 6:-Then we can add on various different equipment in the hands of the ninja . this will make our drawing attractive .as like adding a stick in left hand of the ninja.
خطوة 7:-Now after all we can redefines the lines and edges of our drawing and add detailing to it.
خطوة 8:-Now add colour to your drawing,whatever you wishes. and add more ninjas like that .
Ninja Turtle Drawing
ninja turtle is a cartoon which is a turtle with skills and knows the ninja techniques .we can draw it easily by following the steps used above and by making some changes like adding adding a turtle face rather then persons face . these has small hands and legs in drawing and has a back as like a real turtle. and having ninja fighting equipment like ninja stars,swords, sticks etc.
Hope you liked this tutorial, if you want more please mention in the comment section below.